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The Law amending the consolidated text of the Bankruptcy Law, approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2020, of May 5, for the transposition of Directive (EU)...

There is a figure that, although it does not fit into the Law of the Contentious-Administrative Jurisdiction, due to its doctrinal elaboration, causes the clearest...

The Plenary of the Constitutional Court has once again recalled its doctrine on the recognition of the right to be forgotten, already declared in STC...

Efter den skattemässiga ändring som har tillämpats 2022, avseende beskattning av kryptovalutor, fortsätter regleringen av denna digitala tillgång. Så, lyssna på sjömän;...

Under 2015 sanktionerade National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) 21 biltillverkare, och två företag som agerade som mellanhänder, för att ha gjort sig skyldiga till...

It is a malicious activity that seeks to impersonate another person or entity for different reasons: data theft, fraud and deception to obtain information and/or...

The Constitutional Court declares unconstitutional that the banking entities be exempted from the payment of the procedural costs in the floor clause procedures. The Constitutional Court...